Calendar of Events

Monday, January 8, 2018

A Winter-time Activity

Loomcraft Loom
Here's a Winter-time Activity that may be new to you. 
Do you feel the need to start a new project, maybe something to do with your hands besides playing in the garden? Maybe that new hobby in your future is Looming, "weaving on a loom", one that that can be fun and rewarding...and one that you can feel a sense of accomplishment yet have fun with. You will be able to see your progress while you learn something new and then give it away to friends. This also can become a way to make another income, however large or small it is.

Louet S11 Spinning Wheel
Are you yarning to spin your own yarn for that knitting project? Raw wool can be purchased to use, but you will have to clean it and prepare it, or you may opt to buy wool already processed and ready for you to spin into your favorite yarn.
Don't feel sheepish, you may like it after all.

Front to back, Jerry, Ben, Shawn, Mary.
We can all say that this is truly a Farm to Table type of hobby. And if you own your sheep, there is an added benefit called good compost for your garden. You just have to put in a compost pile and let it age to the proper consistency.

Ben's first cutting of wool.

Keep Idaho Growin

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Welcome to 2018

Hi Everyone and Welcome to 2018!

It is a new year and one that you can be proud to be a part of.
Have any of you made the traditional New Years Resolution? 
Did you include any that are going to be easy to uphold? How about some of these ideas for the New Year.

Let's plant a new kind of tomato, preferably an Heirloom
or a Landrace variety. Don't know what that means? Click on the word link to find out more. 

Maybe you are into Flowers and want to explore new colors for the garden or new strains for the plant show. What's stopping you? Just do it! Remember, it is your garden and you can do what you want to, and next year is a new year again.

Did you plan your garden layout and planting design for this coming year only to get more information that made you change your mind? There are a lot of services and educational opportunities available locally and online

Lets get out there and keep Idaho Growin!