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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Edible Weeds: If You Can’t Beat Them, Eat Them

Every organic gardener has had the experience of dealing with any number of “weed” varieties in their home garden.  One could define a weed as a “plant that interferes with the management objectives for a given area of land at a given point in time”.  J. M. Torell, Plant Pathology Specialist-Western Laboratories. "Our job is to run interference in a safe way and to get maximum yield from the preferred food plant source."

But wait. There are ways to use these “undesirable” plants to our advantage. Many home gardeners as well as professionals have embraced an early flush of green as well as harvested, in new and traditional ways, the seeds and fruits from some of our most troublesome invaders. 

Pulling weeds is just about the most tedious task any gardener faces. But with many common species, you can take another route: Try eating them. Here's a somewhat complete list of commonly weeded plants that can add rustic flavor to your garden harvest. Just be careful — before you eat anything outside, positively ID it visually by using a guide book or by asking a knowledgeable person. Here's two recommended books: Delicious Forages  and A Feast of Weeds. 

Listed are 7 common Edible Weeds.

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale)The scourge of many a lawn perfectionist, these flowering plants crop in most suburban and rural yards. But don't wipe them out with herbicides just yet. Dandelion leaves are aperfect, gourmet salad green when tossed with a light vinaigrette, and are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, and beta carotene. The blooming flowers can be made into an intoxicating homemade wine, too.

 Red Clover (Trifolium pretense)This plant's blossoms can be eaten fresh or steeped in hot water for tea. And you can toss both the green leaves and blossoms into a salad.

 Plantain (Plantago major)Also known as "white man's foot," this is another one of those 
plants that seems to thrive right on the edge of gardens and driveway. Pick the green, rippled leaves and leave the tall flower stems. Blanch the leaves and sauté with some butter and garlic just as you would with kale or any other tough green
Garlic Grass (Allium vineale)  
Wild garlic is an herbal treat often found lurking in fields, pastures, forests and disturbed soil. It resembles cultivated garlic or spring onions, but the shoots are often very thin. Use it in sandwiches, salads, pesto or chopped on main courses like scallions.  

Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) Also known as sheep sorrel or dock, this wild plant is a tart, 
lemony green found all over North America and Europe. It slightly resembles Swiss chard, with thin, triangularly shaped leaves. Use the young leaves in salads for an interesting citrus flavor, or cook older, tougher greens in soups, omelets, or stir-frys. Wood sorrel is another variety that can be    eaten; however, it looks more like clover, with three
double egg-shaped leaves.

Watercress The cress family (garden cress, watercress, rock cress, pepper cress) are leafy greens long
cultivated in much of Northern Europe. They have a spicy tang and are great in salads, sandwiches, and soups.

 Chickweed (Stellaria media)A low-growing succulent with bright green, pointed oval
leaves, this plant is supercharged with vitamins, minerals, omega-6 fatty acid derivatives, and deliciousness. Throw young leaves and stems in salads. However, take note: Don't eat too much chickweed, as it can give you diarrhea.

 For more information about edible weeds in Idaho check out