A successful butterfly garden will have several key features which create a suitable habitat for butterflies and their larva called caterpillars. The first thing to remember is to avoid using insecticides in your garden, even those considered organic. There are several good alternatives such as soap sprays and horticultural oils.
Next, be sure your garden has the proper water. Create areas where water can puddle, then add rocks in the sun so butterflies can sun and warm themselves.
Create an easy mini pond and you'll be rewarded with other visitors that will benefit your backyard ecosystem: frogs and birds - bees, too, need water!
Last, add plants which will provide shelter and food throughout the entire season. Butterflies tend to be attracted to brightly colored fragrant flowers.
Plants to consider growing for a butterfly garden in Idaho include bee balm, butterfly bush, cornflowers, dill, lilac, parsley, yarrow, zinnias, and other nectar bearing plants.