Mantids are also a great predator for your garden. With over 2,000 species found worldwide, these great hunters are also non-discriminate hunters and have been seen killing many pests like grasshoppers, moths, and flies.
Another beneficial insect is the European earwig. While some people consider the earwig a pest in their garden, they can actually be beneficial to the overall balance of the garden.They are omnivore, eat leaves or petals from plants,and will eat lots of insects as well. The earwig is nocturnal, so it eats at night.
have all experienced spiders in the gardens. There are many kind of spiders
that are extremely beneficial such as the harvestman spider, also known as a
daddy-long-legs. These helpful hunters help keep down the overall populations
of a myriad of harmful pests in and around your garden. Pests such as aphids,
slugs and other spiders have been shown to be controlled via the harvestman
maybe next time you’re out in your garden, don’t be quick to judge these pests
and allow them to do the dirty work for you.