Good for you! Composting is a great way to Reduce, Reuse
& Recycle. Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than
28 percent of what we throw away. Composting
enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and
pests. In addition composting reduces
the need for chemical fertilizers and encourages the production of beneficial
bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich
nutrient-filled material. Check out this
website to see what the EPA says about at composting at home along with several
helpful links.
Has the idea of composting and compost bins been a bit
overwhelming? Do you have questions like “Will it be difficult or expensive to
set up this operation?” “What exactly
should I put in my compost piles?” “Is
this project going to be labor intensive?” Do you have other questions? Well just as we approach other aspects in our
lives, if we break down the project into smaller parts the task becomes more
First thing’s first. Put your compost pile close to where
you will use it. Away from drying winds, but in partial sunlight to help heat
the pile. You should choose a place where water is available and adequate
What types of
materials do you need to set up composting bins?
Well you can set your operation up as fancy
or as simple as you like. An area that is about 3’x3’x3’ is a great start. You
may use inexpensive materials such as wire mesh, old pallets and trash cans or
buy a composting system from your local or on line retailers. Here are two photos for examples. Consider buying
a kitchen composting bin for kitchen scraps, paper towels, coffee grounds, egg
shells and other things for your convenience.
What kind of material does your compost pile need? Here is a list of safe materials.
Materials NOT to add.
Ideally, a compost pile should be made up in layers.
The first layer should be coarse plant
material to allow oxygen to circulate up through the pile.
The second layer
should be 6 to 10 inches of finer plant material such as leaves, grass
clippings, and kitchen scraps.
The third layer should be a 1 inch layer of soil or manure.
Consider adding 1/3 cup of nitrogen in the form of ammonium nitrate, blood
meal, or bone meal for every 25 square feet of compost pile material. This will
help the breakdown of plant material. Repeat layers as necessary.
If you are interested in adding worms to your composing regimen check
out this interesting article on “Vermicomposting”
Keep the pile moist but not waterlogged (think wet sponge). You may need to add water in the summertime. As microorganisms begin to break
down the organic material, heat is generated. Within a few days the compost
pile should reach an internal temperature of 90 to 160 degrees F. You may want
to cover your pile with a tarp to help control moisture and temperature.
Turn the pile over occasionally (every 2-4 weeks) this
aerates the material for more rapid decomposition.
Composting is a process of several months to a year
depending on size, conditions and maintenance of your pile. The process is well worth it.
For more information on basic backyard composting there are several
university websites that offer great information, tips, tricks and thoughtful
solutions to backyard composting. Here
is a link to a guidebook titled “Composting at Home.”